As it did for so many other brilliant young Frenchmen, Normale proved to be a powerful catalyst.
This incident acted as a powerful catalyst, forcing each superpower to reveal its true position.
"If the system is going to move to rapid success, the single most powerful catalyst for educational change is strong leadership," he said yesterday.
The 1992 riots were a powerful catalyst for this movement.
The enlargement process continues to act as a powerful catalyst for progress in these areas.
But the downturn in the electronics industry has also become a powerful catalyst for even more profound shifts in Asia's economic balance.
As we've seen throughout the Arab Spring, technology can be a powerful catalyst for the growth of civil society groups.
Development of nano-particles as powerful catalysts for petrochemical refinery applications.
The Union needs powerful economic catalysts if it is to attain its economic objectives.
But Mr. Acuff said there were other powerful catalysts for the democratization of the market.