"If moderate Republicans end up voting the same on this, that is a powerful bloc in either direction," he said.
With polls suggesting a tight race, neither candidate wants to risk alienating a powerful bloc like the Jewish vote.
Had Norway joined, the northern countries might have formed a powerful bloc with 13 of 90 votes.
But the situation changed, and today our country is no longer a member of a big, powerful bloc.
They contend that a 30 percent cut in subsidies would imperil Europe's 10 million farmers - a powerful bloc of voters.
After winning the election, he put members of his party in appointed positions and they were a powerful bloc in the kingdom legislature.
But on both sides, farmers make up powerful political blocs, even though they account for less than 5 percent of the population and of the economy.
The two nearly equally powerful political blocs, the right-wing parties and the social democratic party, were highly antagonized.
To make their action appear legitimate, they needed at least tacit approval from a powerful bloc of legislators representing business groups.
Though they avoid politics, they represent a potentially powerful electoral bloc once blacks are given the vote.