Obviously exhausted, the small bird barely avoided the outstretched claws and powerful beak.
They tear up the ground with their powerful beaks in search of bulbs and edible roots.
It's armed with a powerful beak which can even penetrate the Combat Suit's armor.
The raven leader struck his powerful beak sideways against a stone.
Its skull was up to sixty centimeters long, armed with a powerful, hook-tipped beak.
He watched its greenish, powerful beak stabbing the ground but could not make out what it was doing.
They did have powerful curved beaks and moody eyes set deep under their brows.
Gina suddenly asked, sizing up the animals' powerful beaks.
The birds have powerful beaks and fan shaped tails, indicating that they are ravens.
There's something about watching little birds, even dead ones, being torn to shreds by a powerful beak that turns my stomach.