Premier Zhou's most visible and powerful antagonists were the so-called gang of Four.
Mosier, two hundred pounds in weight and six feet tall, was a powerful antagonist.
Phallic fertility symbols were carved for good luck, and they were also a powerful antagonist to the evil eye.
In three brief seconds, Wally guessed the identity of his powerful antagonist.
While the law was being informed of Myram's petty thievery, these powerful antagonists would both be moving independently.
Once again he realized he and Marie were pitted against powerful antagonists in a strange and silent war.
It is among them that the most powerful antagonists of atheism are found.
"Resistance" pits two men, powerful and almost archetypal antagonists, in a psychological duel to the death.
In a world where cause-and-effect was still king, the collapse of powerful antagonists was a cause whose effect was usually a reduced war budget.
Being one of the most powerful antagonist in the game, he fights with ice power.