Until now, the market has been seen as a powerful adversary, and environmentalists have wanted to block it at every turn.
Never before has a foreign dictator and powerful adversary been granted such a distinction.
By the time Kekaumenos wrote, new and powerful adversaries had risen.
The world has looked the other way for many decades, but we on Taiwan have lived under the shadow of a powerful nuclear adversary.
Though the Government no longer attacks the bishops directly, it sees them as powerful adversaries.
In the most doubtful days of existence with the least equipped to cope against a powerful adversary he stood up for his country.
Their enemy was formidable- quite possibly the most powerful adversary the fleet had ever faced.
Where were these brave words when a powerful adversary was in the White House?
There are few of them left and they are up against a very powerful, economic adversary.
We have always regarded your family as a powerful adversary.