In 1419-20, black became the color of the powerful Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good.
The powerful Duke of Venice has already tried and failed.
Although Abensberg was an autonomous city, it remained dependent on the powerful Dukes of Bavaria.
His family were the most powerful in Lorraine after the ruling Duke of Lorraine.
"Just as you take for granted that I know you are the son and heir of the powerful Duke of Argyll?"
She then persuades the powerful Duke of Burgundy, who had been fighting for the English, to switch sides, and join the French.
The Mandarin was planning for his daughter to marry a powerful Duke.
This made the powerful and Catholic Duke of Lorraine unhappy.
Paul Hartfield as the Duke makes the best of a basically constricted tenor technique, but he is hardly a powerful Duke.
The extended family was well connected to the politically powerful Duke of Newcastle.