The distribution of words ranked by their frequency in a random text corpus is generally a power-law distribution, known as Zipf's law.
Moreover, we find that 'mers in both coding and non-coding regions follow the power-law distribution equally well (see Additional data).
Distributions typically followed include the power-law distribution, that of a stretched exponential, or a parabolic fractal.
This entropy formula corresponds to a power-law distribution for the probability of the residues contacting.
This distribution is a common alternative to the asymptotic power-law distribution because it naturally captures finite-size effects.
If the resultant scatterplot suggests that the plotted points tend to "stabilize" about a horizontal straight line, then a power-law distribution should be suspected.
A great many power-law distributions have been conjectured in recent years.
This process could be made more sophisticated to account for the observed deviations of the out-degree distribution from the power-law distribution.
Experiments were carried in a 100,000-pages synthetic graph with a power-law distribution of in-links.
The result, according to their model, is a power-law distribution.