This was a transparent power play, for the appointment of a dean is arguably the most important power reserved to the president.
Enforcing law and order, which includes the police, is a power reserved by the United Nations administration in Kosovo.
It cannot pass or enforce laws, a power reserved for the King.
Otherwise, constitutional authority to create public holidays is a power reserved to the states.
It was a knight with additional honors, they were entitled to exercise powers normally reserved to the crown.
The 1993 constitution presents a daunting list of powers reserved to the center.
Articles 2 and 3 allowed the Reich government to assume powers normally reserved for the federal states.
In it, this Alexander therefore assumes powers usually reserved to God alone.
The second point I would like to address concerns the powers reserved to the EU.
Israel's government remains as it is today, with the parliamentary structure altered by the tremendous power reserved by the head of the military.