The second is to regulate again, returning to 4 to 5 percent yearly increases in power rates.
Peak power rates are weekdays, 1 to 7 pm in summer and 5 to 9 am in winter.
In part as a result, the region enjoys the lowest electrical power rates on the continent.
Only now, the power rates could actually be reduced.
Over the past 10 years the power rates have perpetually increased to the point where some estimates suggest that they are the highest in Canada.
It will reduce our power rate by 30 to 50 percent.
But Enron officials said the company had decided that it would absorb any increases in power rates for these customers.
This bill pretended to equalize power rates according to circumstances.
"In Brazil, power rates are so low that doing a power project does not make any sense."
The residents of the municipality pay the lowest power rates in the province.