But when in modern history has a Western power succeeded in "owning" or fruitfully occupying an Islamic state?
In the late nineteenth century, the European powers occupied much of the continent, creating many colonial and dependent territories.
The Chinese soon lost power and Russia occupied the Ili basin region.
The attempt to harness that power as a controlled source of useful energy has occupied scientists and engineers ever since.
He seems incapable of self-government and is probably happiest when some strong power occupies his land.
Those four perennial powers again occupy the top of the standing.
Senator McCloud had amassed enough seniority and power to occupy an offce on one of the upper floors.
To suppress advances by force would instead require that one power conquer and occupy hostile powers armed with nuclear weapons-hardly a safe policy.
The Western powers had lifted the siege of Peking a month earlier and had occupied the city.
This was the only time since the Revolutionary War that a foreign power captured and occupied the United States capital.