In overall strength, the various European powers led by Spain continued to increase their lead.
Muhammad Ali was said to have ruled at the sufferance of the European powers, led by France, and under his rule, the rights afforded Christians increased.
At the international level, the US went into the crisis thinking that it was dealing with a second-division military power led by an incompetent petty dictator.
These brought a Hutu-dominated government to power, led by Melchior Ndadaye.
In 1996, the centre-right Partido Popular government came to power, led by José María Aznar.
The dust finally began to settle when a younger generation of directors ascended to power, led by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.
A new serial dealt with the invasion of the US by an oriental power, obviously Japan, led by the "Yellow Vulture."
The election saw Labor come to power, led by Jon Stanhope.
Over Jefferson's opposition, the power of the federal judiciary, led by Federalist Chief Justice John Marshall, increased.
As Egypt becomes more of a regional power led by Nasser, Sadat suffers the strain of being Nasser's yes man, while clashing with him.