The power of ward bosses was eliminated.
Ostrogothic power in Italy was eliminated, but Narses allowed the few survivors to return to their homes, as subjects of the empire.
Some equipment has a quick-start mode; standby power is eliminated if this mode is not used.
There can be no free and fair elections until the power of these would-be dictators and goons is eliminated.
The lower-level courts were abolished and the remaining judicial powers of Kandyan headmen were eliminated.
By the end of the 12th dynasty, the role and the power of the rulers of Minya were functionally eliminated.
International Liability Limit But that power would be eliminated under pending legislation.
This is because sufficiently high powers of the base are multiples of the divisor, and can be eliminated.
With the rise of bootleggers in the 1920s, the Matranga's power declined and was eliminated with Buccola's disappearance in 1930.
The secular power of the religious authorities and functionaries was reduced and eventually eliminated.