They had no sanctioned power to intervene in the affairs of their members, but only to represent them to outsiders.
There is no evidence that the U.N. has been successful in creating safety for people except when the major powers intervened.
A hidden power had intervened to render the deserved execution possible.
With Vincent gone, that power to intervene is, most likely, never more.
But economists point out that his bank would require gargantuan resources and the legal power to intervene in the economies of member countries.
But higher powers intervened, in the form of the State Department.
His goal was to win the initial battles against the surprised allies, hoping that the Great powers would then intervene and stop the war.
But something else had happened; some great power has intervened to triumph over its diabolical evil.
The less the western powers intervene in the region, the more pluralism will be allowed to flourish.
Teachers are to get a licence to teach, and the secretary of state will have more powers to intervene where schools are failing.