This power imbalance is likely to have a marked effect on the attitudes of elders to sharing information about themselves.
Inevitably, the family are in a much weaker position, and we have to prevent all abuses of that power imbalance," he says.
The power imbalance due to the high mounting caused to crash on its maiden flight in 1919.
Such unequal access to resources can create a power imbalance between family members who have citizenship status and those who do not.
In such instances, men often control women's access to outside resources and support systems, creating a power imbalance within the home.
A third form of structural power imbalance occurs vertically.
The conditions associated with these programs establish a power imbalance that grants unusual control over the labor force to employers.
You frame the problem of gas prices as a power imbalance between corporations and consumers.
However, one's power balance means for another a power imbalance.
I mean people put up with sexual harassment because of the power imbalance.