The main powers in North America frequently fought over territory.
The powers fighting birth control are still fighting, and killing, in the name of saving life.
She was old, of course, but in that pitifully shrunken body, he had sensed a willingness and a power to fight for life.
The major powers fought one another at regular intervals and devoted the lion's share of their budgets to the purpose.
His one hope lay in retaining consciousness and the power to fight when the creature came to the ground with him.
It may have lulled some people into a false sense of complacency if the Great powers weren't fighting each other.
Could the major powers of Europe not fight to the end if tiny Belgium had?
I want my government to have all these powers to fight terror, and I trust it to use them responsibly.
The power that had compelled him fought back, became the victim itself.
Within months he knew this power was a terrible mistake and fought to have it ended.