The occupying power should not exercise monopoly or illegal sovereignty over this holy city.
The patriarch's power over his wife and offspring was absolute and often rigorously exercised.
Although the power relationships are similar the actual powers exercised can be quite different.
The power to exercise based on his discretionary power (without the consent or influence of any other authority)
The Light of Heaven is seen as more of a spiritual leader who rarely enters public sight, let alone exercises his power.
"America's power and its willingness to exercise that power - unilaterally if necessary - constitute a threat to Europe's new sense of mission."
Pentecostals see in the biblical writings of Paul an emphasis on having both character and power, exercising the gifts in love.
African Americans regained ordinary civil rights and the power to exercise their voting rights.
The president now exercises powers over the following:
It also took over almost all the powers formerly exercised by the Convocations of Canterbury and York.