Raiden could not retrieve it himself as his powers would dissipate in the Netherealm.
They are practical if the current is low, the power dissipated being small, although it may still be a large fraction of the total power consumed.
Without Aurore, and its sun, their power will dissipate.
The pistol-like device was like the one the engineer had used, but he could sense with his Talent that its power had long since dissipated.
But their power should dissipate appreciatively the farther from the Sphere they travel.
Could the power of the energy mist be dissipating?
After the New Year its power will dissipate.
At 1 percent inflation, that power dissipates.
Given the average surface current and the surface impedance, we could calculate the power dissipated as .
Her only limitation is that the power dissipates as it travels through the air.