While he successfully graduated high school, the family's poverty prevented him from enrolling in a college.
Many ordinary Chinese are nostalgic for the days, only a generation ago, when Communist ideology and enforced poverty prevented anyone from getting rich.
Realizing that poverty effectively prevents him from having to pay any judgments, Doug writes to his estranged wife, daring her to take him to court.
His parents' poverty prevented them from affording a missionary's education.
But poverty arising from lack of training, employment, and benefits prevents acquisition of their own home.
While wealth does not breed creativity, poverty pretty much prevents it.
However, these polyarchic procedures may not create a full democracy if, for example, poverty prevents political participation.
Studying at night, he picked up the education he had abandoned as a child when poverty had prevented further schooling.
Also food insecurity and poverty may prevent people from seeking a diagnosis or prevent them from having the ability to afford treatment.
Abject poverty prevented the boy from gaining access to top quality medical care.