He railed against foreign aid, when poverty is growing at home, and urged massive efforts to rebuild the infrastructure and educational system.
The destructive poverty ruling the lives of people dependent on benefits is likely to continue and may grow worse.
After a decade of watching poverty grow among children, the nation may finally be coming to understand the cost.
It seemed as though the prison's poverty, and shabbiness, and dirt, were growing in the sultry atmosphere.
With the super population of the city by individuals who often had no technical skills and were often illiterate, poverty and crime grew considerably.
As poverty, plagues and despair have grown, I have talked with some of the multitudes thrust aside.
Unicef, which provides assistance to children in 138 countries, needs to shore up its fund-raising while population and poverty are growing rapidly in the third world.
As unemployment, hunger and poverty grew rampant, he even tried to enlist, but he was rejected by the officers.
Human rights are trampled over on a daily basis, while poverty and misery in both the third world and the developed countries grow worse.
Although wealth is constantly increasing, poverty and exclusion, unemployment and precarious employment are growing.