He got a tray and poured some water and fluid in it.
Meanwhile, she pours lighter fluid on the salad and bastes the lamb chops with pesticide.
She reacts to a lovers' spat by pouring lighter fluid over everything in Zane's apartment.
He poured lighter fluid carefully onto the base of his tiny stack of dry wood.
A huge pipe poured dark fluid into the water.
While he yammered, his assistant poured dark fluid from a tall spouted container into one like a gravy boat.
My guess is that someone poured charcoal-barbecue starter fluid against the side of the building, then put a match to it.
Someone poured charcoal lighter fluid on some rags and then set a match to them.
He poured fluid from the ewer into the goblet of chased metal and offered it to Ilna.
One protester knelt in front of a bus carrying workers to the test site and poured red fluid from a baby's bottle.