Lydia Mullens, bless her, had wrapped Jules up and poured hot chocolate down her.
He pours melted chocolate over the bubble wrap, then chills it.
Yet they worked together to fill large orders; for one hungry family, Reesa gathered a handful of cookies in a napkin while Chloe poured hot chocolate from the industrial-size thermos.
When it cools, I invert the slab and pour melted chocolate over it.
He smiled as he poured hot chocolate from a vacuum flask for her, then drew a chair up near the bed.
They are made by pouring warm, liquid chocolate into molds, thus coating the inside of each mold - generally two plastic forms held together with steel clips.
Chocolate Nut Bark Melt 2 tablespoons semisweet chocolate chips; pour chocolate on parchment paper.
Mr. Kelley reproduced his image in shades of red, poured melted chocolate over the canvases and displayed them upside down.
Outside the art world, a white person like Mr. Walker making an artwork by pouring real chocolate over an image of racial tragedy could be seen as offensive to say the least.