New Forest Roman pottery: manufacture and distribution, with a corpus of the pottery types.
Notes: The domestic pottery type monochrome vessels were examined through a magnifying glass and with X 40 Power.
The sub-periods in the Alachua culture period are defined by the relative prevalence of different pottery types.
Tony was reading a thick blue book that I recognized as a reference on Mayan pottery types.
In contrast to these local pottery types, there were also wheel-made vessels decorated with raised cordons or bands on the body.
The Geto-Dacian population is also represented through a full range of contemporary native pottery types.
Early research in the area focused on the ceramics that made the valley famous, while ignoring the underlying structures and pottery types.
So the chronology is largely based on pottery types that emerge and die out in Mayan culture.
The Protogeometric style is a pottery type associated with the Greek Dark Ages.
She is noted for inventing a technique to make the local pottery type, barro negro, black and shiny after firing.