Instead, the court reaches the counterintuitive and potentially troubling result that publishing fake content through someone else's account steals their identity.
The second season also covered the potentially troubling issues in Joseph Smith's history more thoroughly.
The Browns' selection of Davis caught many by surprise, and left the Hurricanes with a potentially troubling recruiting quandary.
There are other potentially troubling parallels with Vietnam.
Under the surface of that ice, though, profound and potentially troubling changes are taking place, and at a quickened pace.
This book is so well larded with small, potentially troubling details that any of its characters might be hiding something.
Still, the runaway success of the program has included some potentially troubling side effects.
The puny assassin silently congratulated himself for so easily handling the potentially troubling wizard.
It's not only digitisation that is potentially troubling, but the fast and furious competition for discounting.
The higher education loans hold much potential but it also introduces a whole other set of potentially troubling issues.