The X-rays showed a tension pneumothorax, or an area of trapped air in the lungs, a potentially treatable condition if discovered in time.
In making such a judgment, the doctor might be overlooking some physical and potentially treatable condition that can cause almost identical symptoms.
The basis of the approach arises from the fact that the majority of the fixated are driven by delusional beliefs based in potentially treatable mental disorders.
Among those conditions are severe pain and mental depression, potentially treatable problems that can lead to feelings of desperation.
While an attitude of ageism commonly results in undertreatment of many potentially treatable conditions, the practice of overtreatment and unnecessary procedures is no less common.
Twice, doctors failed to diagnose the potentially treatable ailment that killed him, the New York State Health Department determined.
Angioplasty, medical interventions of the arterial system, rely heavily on X-ray-sensitive contrast to identify potentially treatable lesions.
Twice, doctors failed to diagnose the potentially treatable condition that killed him, a four-month investigation by the State Health Department has found.
It can cause a delay in diagnosis of a potentially treatable condition.
Distal colitis, potentially treatable with enemas: