Market watchers said potentially strong inflation pressures were still keeping the market on edge.
This is the first of several elections that will see a large number of potentially strong candidates become eligible.
Democratic strategists and lawmakers are convinced that this is potentially strong campaign ammunition.
Britain will be in a potentially strong position to barter, and to achieve the repatriation of powers it seeks.
The second says he should continue to make changes because the Knicks, while potentially strong in the East, are still far from legitimate championship contention.
The broadcast networks are keeping up with potentially strong episodes of their flagship series.
For instance, pine trees produce huge amounts of pollen, making it a potentially strong allergen.
Although considered a potentially strong contender in the 2008 Conrgressional election, he chose not to run.
But many potentially strong players seem sure to be available.
Traders said the market started to price in potentially strong economic data next week that could have inflationary implications.