The choice is a potentially provocative move against the military-backed government, which has consistently sought to suppress use of the peacock symbol.
And I'm excited about Michael Gordon's potentially provocative "Chaos" at the Kitchen.
While in Beijing, her aides said, she intends to attend Palm Sunday services at a Protestant church - a potentially provocative act in a nation without freedom of religion.
But while Ms. Ruhl has amply stocked her play with eccentric imagery, quirky characters and potentially provocative ideas, she fails to develop any of these elements in depth.
Because they were the work of Hitler, the Army seized the four rather ordinary landscapes as potentially provocative.
A kind of "Candid Camera" with children, the new program ventures almost anywhere you might find youngsters in potentially provocative situations.
Fuller provides glimpses of a potentially provocative analysis of the political matrix of Kuhn's popularity.
Publishers Weekly also gave a mixed review, stating that at points the book had "heavy-handed symbolism and extraneous detail" but also raised "potentially provocative questions about free choice, self-knowledge and guilt".
Dan Wilhite has told me of Chief Exley's potentially provocative fixation on the Kafesjian family, with you as his agent provocateur.
Beijing is also torn between wanting to harness the power of the Internet and wanting to restrict potentially provocative information about issues like Tibet and Taiwan.