Unlike the French pioneers who tended to be hunters and trappers, these settlers were establishing an agricultural community with potentially permanent inhabitants.
"That would have long-term and potentially permanent damage to contracts on the Board of Trade," Mr. Mahlmann said.
Hashi Lebwohl had assigned him to undermine Billingate, do the shipyard potentially permanent harm.
While the period of detention at issue in Zadvydas was "indefinite" and "potentially permanent," the detention here is of a much shorter duration.
Polio may be carried asymptomatically, but it can cause a transient fever and, in rare cases, potentially permanent muscle weakness or paralysis.
As a result, the neglected child is left with potentially permanent physical disabilities.
No other repertory in the modern-dance world seems as potentially permanent as Martha Graham's.
Breyer indicated that an indefinite, potentially permanent detention was unconstitutional.
It interferes with the development of the nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent learning and behavior disorders.
This is a potentially permanent and debilitating industrial injury.