Potentially overwhelming, the 16-foot-high wall became, in Mr. O'Herlihy's hands, architecture.
Less than 80 miles south of Cincinnati, the potentially overwhelming Bearcat noise in the crowd of 23,850 never was allowed to become a factor.
For that matter, people have already begun devising ways to wrest control back from potentially overwhelming technologies.
The unconscious mind holds back material that would be potentially overwhelming to the conscious mind.
This regressing can be necessary at times when the individual has to deal with some current, potentially overwhelming challenge.
Goad teaches readers how to swim in a potentially overwhelming sea of data.
The fact that his actions saved the Federation from a potentially overwhelming Borg attack shouldn't factor in.
To stop potentially overwhelming conventional enemy forces.
Man is reacting against the potentially overwhelming strength of progress, and shouts out his centrality.
As many as 3,000 luxury homes are planned for the immediate area, potentially overwhelming the old town's population.