The defeat potentially opened the way for an advance on the major city of Lubumbashi to the south.
His reasoning was simple; if the church did not possess a crypt, then Modestinus was referring to something completely different which potentially opened new ways.
At the end, they do manage to save a particularly sympathetic Minervan female - potentially opening the way for a complete upheaval in Minervan society.
A favorable ruling could potentially open the door to thousands of claims, he said.
The request, made on Thursday by the Europeans and other countries, including Japan, potentially opens a new area of trade tensions.
These can range from excessive personal use through to potentially opening your business up to the risk of prosecution.
Similar to Mandarin officials, passing the examination could potentially open doors to a government position, granting them power and prestige.
Their vote potentially opened a $500 million hole in the city budget this year and every year through 2008.
The gadget potentially opens the site to an audience of iGoogle users.
Residents also reported Ethiopian troops had entered Somalia over the weekend, potentially opening a third front against the insurgents.