This could potentially limit the availability of products and processes related to the BRCA genes.
Half Court is practical when playing on a long field, but it puts the kicking team closer and potentially limits the maneuverability of the receiving team.
This can potentially limit the amount of damage to your heart if a heart attack is occurring.
He had a heart condition which potentially limited his life.
Besides the general risk that any surgery bears, there is also a risk to the health of the mother's uterus, potentially limiting her ability to bear more children.
Because of the American control, the process is regarded by many Shiites as potentially limiting their ability to gain control of Iraq's government.
The conference enabled the great powers to potentially limit their large naval deployment and avoid conflict in the Pacific.
As with all first-person narratives, understanding the story's characters is complicated by the narrator's perspective, which potentially limits and biases any information other than statements of fact.
The cap could potentially limit arbitration awards.
The union has steadfastly opposed such a tax, saying that in conjunction with revenue sharing, it would potentially limit player salaries.