These attributes will allow many more patients to be treated with this potentially life-saving treatment.
But the list of potentially life-saving foods is by no means limited to 14.
"Even those with Harvard degrees at some point don't want the responsibility for making a potentially life-saving decision."
Let's take a look at some of these potentially life-saving uses for bar codes.
Assume, for example, that a person with cancer goes to a doctor, who recommends an expensive, potentially life-saving medical treatment.
One may also be needed at the hospital to sign potentially life-saving consent forms.
What are some potentially life-saving applications of bar code tech?
You need to learn some potentially life-saving facts about antibiotics.
This position extends to health care, and his view that those who choose no insurance should not receive potentially life-saving treatment.
"And if you set the bar too high, you rule out using potentially life-saving organs."