The report found that in 29 percent of the cases studied, assessments of child safety were not done, potentially leaving children in harm's way.
His absence potentially left the government short of a workable parliamentary majority.
That could potentially leave the regional superintendents without jobs or perhaps filling a new role in which principals choose them to advise groups of schools.
He also came to understand that his isolation in the political cosmos potentially left him with few allies and many enemies.
To potentially leave our state now, under a cloud of broken promises, is beneath the dignity of this proud company.
But there is one group potentially left out of the equation: tourists.
Such a move could potentially leave recipients with neither welfare nor jobs.
Many governments world wide are over spending in an unsustainable way, potentially leaving massive debts for future generations.
The presentation is likely to be choppy, with many scenes out of order, potentially leaving some jurors scratching their heads.
Music Kickup handles all contracts, rights management, and industry connections - potentially leaving the artist to concentrate on their art.