Emissions of GHGs are a potentially irreversible commitment to sustained radiative forcing in the future.
The warning is that modest growth in the next few years could mask the beginning of a long, slow and potentially irreversible and tragic decline.
Long term side effects include the potentially irreversible tardive dyskinesia and the potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
Just like what we are doing now on the cusp of triggering potentially irreversible climatic upheaval.
Even if we miraculously managed to stop all greenhouse gas emissions, we would still be faced with the potentially irreversible changes we have already brought.
Kirk and the three others probably could have taken the Proctor squad in hand-to-hand, but it might have led to potentially irreversible consequences.
It could also lead to "potentially irreversible price decreases, customer good will impact and potential layoffs," Mr. Dolan wrote.
Management of Eutrophication for Lakes Subject to Potentially Irreversible Change.
Development of Weston-super-Mare since the 19th century has resulted in three episodes of potentially irreversible damage to the site.
There is no evidence that colloidal silver treats or prevents any medical condition, and it can cause serious and potentially irreversible side effects such as argyria.