Threatening to undermine those efforts, however, are potentially inflammatory tensions simmering below the surface.
The creators were all acutely aware of the show's potentially inflammatory nature.
This alignment, designed by diplomats to maintain the balance of power and thus ensure peace in Europe, was in fact potentially inflammatory.
I'm certain that there are ways to expose children without using potentially inflammatory practices like crystals and yogi meditations.
First, the Libyans would have to decide whether they want to pursue the option - a potentially inflammatory proposition in the current unsettled political environment.
Campbell said he was particularly concerned about potentially inflammatory comments that Scatchard made Tuesday in a radio interview.
After protests from the gallery and its supporters, the grant was returned on condition that the money not be used for a potentially inflammatory catalogue.
Where the treatment of this all-important and potentially inflammatory episode is concerned, the film itself is, in a sense, on trial.
He also said that newspaper sales were not the first thing on an editor's mind when deciding whether to run a difficult story or potentially inflammatory photograph.
As with so many things Libyan, however, even the sale of such a potentially inflammatory item came with a bright smile and a shrug.