In many cases, pump therapy may help soften fibrotic tissue and therefore potentially enable more efficient lymphatic drainage.
"But bottom-up is where we're really going to make progress," he said, "and this is a tool that can potentially enable a really massive carbon footprint reduction."
The Treasury anticipates that the resulting process of price discovery will also reduce the uncertainty surrounding the financial institutions holding these securities, potentially enabling them to raise new private capital.
This could create security problems for building or computer access or potentially enable criminal misuse of a medical account held by an unrelated person.
ARM support could potentially enable a whole new class of JavaScript-heavy web applications to work on handsets that run Opera's mobile browser.
The posting of contact information, legislation, agendas, and policies makes government more transparent, potentially enabling more informed participation both online and offline.
This technical achievement would potentially enable scientists to work with new lines of embryonic stem cells derived using public funding.
Digital sweatshops allow workers to work from home, potentially enabling them to choose their own hours, and providing other advantages of telecommuting.
This also potentially enabled the Fox to act as a scout and a vehicle that can engage similar light vehicles.