The educational authorities did not approve the recommendation, saying that it did not fit in with the "requirements as set out by the law" and it could potentially complicate the curricula.
It discovered at least three diverse types, potentially complicating the task of analysis, the agency reported last month.
The international warrants could further isolate Gaddafi and his inner circle and potentially complicate the options for a negotiated settlement.
George Steinbrenner vented his anger toward Jason Giambi's agent on Saturday, potentially complicating the negotiations for a contract extension with Hideki Matsui.
The risk, however, is that it could potentially complicate passage of a predatory lending bill, he said.
Most body piercing professionals will refuse to pierce a pregnant woman for this reason and because piercing causes stress on the body that could potentially complicate a pregnancy.
The withdrawal potentially complicated his plans to ride the Tour of Britain as preparation for the world championships road race.
The broad instructions meant that many bidders submitted multipart offers, the executives said, which potentially complicates the process.
Potentially complicating the case further still is the criminal trial of Mr. Libby, scheduled to begin early next year.
Home Exercises Dr. Fishman cautions against self-treatment for piriformis syndrome, at least not until potentially complicating skeletal defects are ruled out.