The fuels are toxic and potentially carcinogenic, and a fire can get out of control quickly.
It is also toxic and potentially carcinogenic, but is safe enough to have medicinal uses.
However, it cannot be transformed into potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines and has therefore been widely used as a replacement drug for aminophenazone.
Bt corn also contains much lower levels of fungal toxins, which are potentially carcinogenic.
The colonic epithelium is in continuous contact with potentially carcinogenic compounds, which enter the body usually as part of the diet.
Acetonitrile has been used as a nail polish remover, but it is toxic and potentially carcinogenic.
But should potentially carcinogenic substances such as benzene play any part in the healing art of aromatherapy?
Although still toxic and potentially carcinogenic, chloroform is significantly less harmful than carbon tetrachloride.
While phenazopyridine has never been shown to cause cancer in humans, evidence from animal models suggests that it is potentially carcinogenic.
It is an alternative to the hazardous and potentially carcinogenic hydrazine.