If a mole exhibits potentially cancerous changes, a biopsy may be performed.
All potentially cancerous skin growths must be biopsied to confirm a cancer diagnosis.
Weeks after this, Elaine, who was pregnant, had a cancer scare when doctors discovered potentially cancerous cysts on her ovaries.
Usually, a health care professional will recommend surgical removal only if a cyst is thought to be potentially cancerous.
An operation in October 1997 to remove a potentially cancerous fibroid tumor led her to pursue a different path.
But previous reports did not say the node was a lymphoma, only that there were suspicious or potentially cancerous cells.
But addled, wrinkled, and potentially cancerous as I might have been, I had never felt better.
All thymomas are potentially cancerous, but they can vary a great deal.
The other three were solar keratoses, which are caused by exposure to the sun and are potentially cancerous.
The doctor discovers that the individual has a potentially cancerous growth.