That was not enough for neighbors of the old wood-treating plant, fearful that their backyards had become contaminated by dioxin, a potentially cancer-causing agent.
Studies have confirmed that silicone breast implants with polyurethane plastic coatings break down and send potentially cancer-causing chemicals into women's bodies in small amounts, Federal officials said today.
The issues in human gene therapy are complex because the treatment involves manipulating human genes and the use of potentially cancer-causing viruses to deliver genes to patients.
Normally, I would agree that potentially cancer-causing substances in widely and regularly used products should be banned, but this is a case of melodramatic overreaction.
PCBs are potentially cancer-causing in people and build up in the fat of fish and animals, increasing in concentration as they move up the food chain.
The bill would eliminate the current absolute prohibition against potentially cancer-causing residues, no matter how slight, in certain processed foods.
But it makes no sense to house them in a dense residential area where so many lives are at risk and mistakes - radioactive, potentially cancer-causing mistakes - continue to be made.
The potentially cancer-causing asbestos was found in mud and sediment spewed out during the explosion of a 24-inch Con Edison steam pipe last Saturday evening.
That life was shattered on Aug. 19, when a steam-pipe explosion on 20th Street near Third Avenue showered her apartment building with potentially cancer-causing asbestos that had insulated the pipe.
The Frisa amendment, the literature said, required new testing for potentially cancer-causing substances that mimic estrogen and are found in water.