An overvalued lira made a difficult situation worse, as many potential tourists decided over 1990-1992 that Italy had simply become too expensive.
But he has run into considerable opposition, not just from potential tourists but from other biologists.
The beleaguered space agency turned down a potential tourist for being too demanding, news agencies reported.
The biggest challenge, given the London-centric media, is to make sure potential tourists know of these galleries' existence - and success.
In 2006, the town invested 800,000 pesos to implement an online marketing plan to increase services to potential tourists.
I particularly appreciated that you included volunteer information for potential tourists.
At present I would advise any potential tourist contemplating starting from Edinburgh, that facilities are very poor.
The country features many beaches, but sharks and toxic waste have historically posed dangers to potential tourists.
It has little connection to the important realities that should be of interest to potential tourists.
The Maldivian government, which initially played down the tsunami's impact to avoid panicking potential tourists, estimates the figure will be closer to $1 billion.