Vezzarn, of course, couldn't be completely counted out now as a potential spy.
Other support personnel include access agents who may arrange the contact between the potential spy, and the case officer who recruits them.
That may be a good way to catch potential spies, but there have been a few too many informer-enabled cases lately.
By the 1930s, Joseph Stalin had come to regard the international character of the hotel with suspicion and its occupants as potential spies.
"It seems now that there is license to do as was done to me because we Asians are potential spies."
Police in small, out-of-the way places seem to imagine any outsider to be a potential spy.
The government thus considers him a potential spy, although he disappears before formal charges can be brought against him.
The player is responsible for catching potential spies in their own kingdom.
Nastier questions about rooting out potential spies and traitors among the native populace.
In 1946, Stalin allegedly said privately that "every Jew is a potential spy."