The couple had been formally introduced to each other as potential spouses, a common practice known as omiai.
Once past 30, people like Miss Chen usually live with their parents and find that potential spouses are to find.
Boundless also recommends online dating as one of the ways Christian singles can find a potential spouse.
In the past, these clan identities were of the utmost importance, determining one's friends, lineage, and potential spouses.
In an "introduction only" arranged marriage, the parents may only introduce their son or daughter to a potential spouse.
The young man is able to meet with his potential spouse multiple times until they decide whether the marriage will happen.
"Give me the chance to convince some potential spouses that their preconceptions about people with my kind of talent are wrong."
Although Hobart Batt did not seem to think it was a big selling point to a potential spouse, he thought.
Some of the best tales concerned the firm's hot new sideline - investigating potential spouses.
The fictitious identity is created to conceal the person's actual from her family, and potential spouses.