He is a potential spoiler in the election, Ms. Van Woudenberg said, and could act to undermine the results if the party loses.
So, how do you persuade the status quo police to stop treating you like a potential spoiler?
The failure so far of China to release or parole a significant number is the greatest potential spoiler in this year's diplomacy.
"It's shocking," he said, "but Diamond could really serve as a potential spoiler."
The instrument of this particular pact was a small songbird, the scrub-dwelling California gnatcatcher, a potential spoiler for the developers.
The Chicago Cubs are a potential spoiler in the National League.
Cast members often read fake lines with a different name in their audition to limit potential spoilers from leaking.
Ahead of him, there are potential spoilers.
As this New York real estate drama plays out, it is not surprising to find an environmental impact statement playing the role of potential spoiler.
Warning, spoilers for this movie and potential spoilers for the next movie.