For the second time in a month, the American government is facing a potential shutdown as Congress battles over spending levels.
He managed the federal government's operational response to a potential shutdown in 2011, by determining which essential services would continue to operate.
But then something like a potential shutdown of the federal government comes along.
Werfel, who attended law school at the University of North Carolina and attained a Master's Degree from Duke University, prepared the government for a potential shutdown in 2011 by determining which services that would remain in existence.
For example, Senators Arlen Specter and John Heinz, both Republicans of Pennsylvania, held a news conference in Philadelphia on Monday to denounce the potential shutdown of the Philadelphia Naval Station and Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
The commissioners added more than a dozen additional sites to the list of bases selected for potential shutdowns after Mr. Cheney suggested 43 bases for closing in April.
It was built to develop and produce large quantities of weaponized anthrax, almost 300 tons annually, in order to fill the production gap caused by a potential shutdown of their Sverdlovsk facility.
Booster Systems Engineer Jenny M. Howard acted quickly to command the crew to inhibit any further automatic SSME shutdowns based on readings from the remaining sensors, preventing the potential shutdown of a second engine and a possible abort mode that may have resulted in the loss of the vehicle and crew.