They do this by categorising the likelihood of harm and the potential severity of the harm.
Q. Is there a correlation between the volume of acorns an oak tree produces and the potential severity of the approaching winter?
Within the potential severity of the many square arches and backdrops that serve as decor, he lets the sunlight in.
Still, as with all medications, the potential severity of reactions to medical iodine-containing products should prompt questions about a patient's allergy history before they are administered.
The fire loading of a building or compartment is a way of establishing the potential severity of a hypothetical future fire.
Rare in dressage due to its potential severity.
But the potential severity is sobering - as is the absence of any plan by industry or government for remediating damage.
Canes can be manufactured for disciplinary purpose in different sizes and weights, determining the potential severity of the punishment.
Fortunately, the influenza was less serious than anticipated, but it would be dangerous to underestimate the degree of unpredictability and potential severity of future pandemics.
Due to the potential severity of antisocial and violent traits seen in adult psychopathy, research has focused on identifying the associated traits in childhood.