Many people interpret their relationship as a potential romance (see below).
Phoebe prompted smoothly, wanting very badly to get off the subject which implied a potential romance between them.
Burying the hatchet, the two agents try to foil the potential romance.
To stroll along the paths is an adventure for foot and ear with each step filled with potential romance.
The potential romance to Garrus has also been of some interest.
A lonely young man's obsession with his neighbor gets the best of him, resulting in a murder, cover-up, and a potential new romance.
After this experience a close friendship and potential romance begins to bud between the two of them.
During spring vacation they could have been hanging out at the mall, scoping out potential romance.
Lenox's evolving friendship and potential romance with Lady Jane is a central subplot.
When Emily begins to put her plan for revenge into action, she gets sidetracked by an old friend, a potential new romance, and an unwanted ally.