The troubling question is whether there will ever be a comprehensive review of electoral problems and potential remedies.
Social housing can also be seen as a potential remedy to housing inequality.
Sachs discusses each factor, and its potential remedies, in turn.
Leave it to the California ballot to come up with a potential remedy for itself.
The potential remedies, he said, include suing the firm or referring criminal charges to Utah's attorney general.
As a multi-factor phenomenon, there is not yet a clear consensus on the sources or potential remedies of the problem.
Many funds highlighted potential remedies for discounts but soft-pedaled the conditions that needed to be met.
Galbraith outlines the two types of poverty to better understand the causes and potential remedies.
One potential remedy: put bonuses into a pool held in escrow for several years.
That would compel us all to think seriously again about real potential remedies to the present problem.