But from a regulatory standpoint, the registration requirement is a potential quagmire.
On the psychological side there is Vietnam syndrome, essentially abhorring foreign wars as potential quagmires.
An array of further actions, well short of some potential quagmire, are available.
Confident she had avoided a potential quagmire, head high, she glided from the room.
But in no time they were back to their old ways, wringing their hands over potential quagmires in Afghanistan, and urging patience in Iraq.
"Er.dark-skinned people," Roger replied, suddenly aware of the potential quagmire opened up by this question.
Anything else could be a potential legal quagmire.
Merely mention the word "threat" and alarm bells go off in the Pentagon about committing U.S. forces to potential quagmires.
Far from seeing Yugoslavia's civil war as an opportunity to fish in troubled waters, they have considered it a potential quagmire.
Quite frankly, this is a potential quagmire of legal and moral issues that defies a simple solution.