Jones's potential fights seem a lot more interesting than this one.
He won the fight in a potential fight of the year and set himself up for a shot at the English title.
But what Gabriel did not fully understand was that some of them seemed to be avoiding the potential fight.
Barda seems more amused than concerned over Rose and their potential fight is neutralized by other forces.
The standard by which a potential fight should be judged is whether it will make a compelling match on television.
The way she said it made Drizzt wonder who Vendes would want to win that potential fight.
Both sides began negotiations for a potential fight and the bout was targeted for September.
Last night, they seemed to get something better: a potential fight over the need for a runoff.
For a while potential fights are defused by good humor, but then the kidding starts to turn mean.
Both fighters are former boxers and had discussed a potential fight in their futures since early 2008.