The other worry is the potential burden of assuming total responsibility for the $465,000 mortgage, privately financed, which comes due on Aug. 1.
As stated above, the temporary and extremely limited nature of the requirement substantially limits any potential burden on white applicants for promotion.
True, the Supreme Court also voiced concern about the potential burden and distraction of civil litigation.
EPA did, however, reduce the potential burden of required information collection in drafting the final rule.
Although the project seems to be going successfully, it creates a potential fiscal burden for the government.
Medical coverage for all is important, but a potential $2,500 burden per employee for a small-business man would be overwhelming.
It's more what you're radiating inside - the feeling that, finally, you're not a potential burden.
I mean, maybe I'm not a potential burden.
In an effort to ease this potential burden, Britain considered allowing a commercial company the right to administer and develop the eastern territory.
But as the current athletic director for the team, he sees her past record as a potential burden.